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MINOLTA 분광 Fitting 휘도계 CS-200

MINOLTA 분광 Fitting 방식 휘도계 CS-200

​파장대별 분광데이터는 출력 불가하지만, 필터 방식의 측정 오차를 보완한 분광피팅 방식 휘도계

LED, OLED, FED, LCD 및 PDP 등 optical device 측정에 최적화

Chroma Meter CS-200S

색채휘도계 CS-200



  • 0.01cd/m2 ~ 20000000cd/m2 수준의 넓은 측정 영역(0.1도 Aperture 사용시)

  • Spectral fitting 방식의 적용과 정밀 analog 회로 기술을 이용하여 저휘도 영역에서도 안정된 측정 가능

  • Compact한 디자인과 Battery Power 채용으로 휴대성 강화

  • 0.1도, 0.2도 및 1도의 Aperture 선택 가능

  • 주파수 입력에 의한 디스플레이 장치와의 Synchronized 측정

  • Auto, Manu, SuperFast, Fast, Slow, SuperSlow 등 측정 속도 조절 가능

  • 자체 Backlight를 내장한 대화면 표시창

  • USB 1.1 통신 Control

  • 20 Channel의 User Calibration

  • 보다 정확한 휘도 및 Chromaticity 측정을 위한 Spectral Fitting



Measurement range




(Measuring angle 1°)#1

(Temperature: 23℃±2℃, Relative humidity: 65% max.)


(Measuring angle 1°)#2

Measurement time

Measurement method

Measurement angle

Minimum measuring area

Minimum measuring distance



Color space

Measurement synchronization setting range


Power source

Battery life



Operating temperature

/humidity range

Storage temperature

/humidity range


0.01~200,000 cd/m2(Measuring angle 1°)

0.01~5,000,000 cd/m2(Measuring angle 0.2°)

0.01~2,000,000 cd/m2(Measuring angle 0.1°)

150 cd/m2, Lv±2%±1digit, xy±0.002

0.01~0.5 cd/m2, Lv±0.02 cd/m2±1digit, xy ---

0.5~1 cd/m2, Lv±0.02 cd/m2±1digit, xy ±0.007

1~10 cd/m2, Lv±2%±1digit, xy ±0.004

10~200,000 cd/m2, Lv±2%±1digit, xy ±0.003

0.01~1 cd/m2, Lv±0.01 cd/m2±1digit, ---(σ)

1~2 cd/m2, Lv±0.5%±1digit, xy 0.002(σ)

2~4 cd/m2, Lv±0.5%±1digit, xy 0.001(σ)

4~8 cd/m2, Lv±0.5%±1digit, xy 0.0005(σ)

8~20,000 cd/m2, Lv±0.05%±1digit, xy 0.00025(σ)

0.5 sec/meas.(Super-FAST), 1 sec/meas.(FAST)

3 sec/meas(SLOW), 12 sec/meas.(Super-SLOW)

Spectral method, Grating+linear photo diode array

1°, 0.2°, 0.1°(switchable)


0.1mm(close up lens)

296mm(Distance from front edge of metal lens barrel)

2/10 degrees

Lvxy, Lvu'v', LvTΔuv, XYZ, dominant wavelength

Vertical synchronization frequency : 40.00 to 200.00Hz

USB 1.1

AC adapter or 4 AA-Size Batteries

Appox. 3 hours(continuous measurement/Fast mode/AA-Size alkaline cells)


0 to 40℃, relative humidity 850% or less(at 35℃) with no condensation


0 to 45℃, relative humidity 850% or less(at 35℃) with no condensation

#1 23ºC ±2ºC Lv = 0.01-10 cd/m2, SLOW, average of 30 measurements
Lv = 10 cd/m2 and higher, SLOW, average of 10 measurements
For Illuminant A
#2 At 0.2º measuring angle, the amount of received light is approx. 1/25 of that for 1º.
Therefore, the repeatability becomes the same as that for 1º with 25 times lower luminance.
At 0.1º measuring angle, the amount of received light is approx. 1/100 of that for 1º.
Therefore, the repeatability becomes the same as that for 1º with 100 times lower luminance.
For Illuminant A, Super-SLOW mode.

MINOLTA CS-200 카타로그

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